添加时间 2019/11/12 18:52:57  浏览次数 23899 次


主持国家重点研发计划子课题1项、国家自然科学基金1项、河北省自然科学基金3项、河北省教育厅重点项目1项、横向课题7项;在Composite Structures,Thin-Walled Structures,Structural Health Monitoring,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,Polymer Composites,Polymer Testing,Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation等期刊发表科学研究论文100余篇,出版专著2部,参与制定国家标准6项、团体标准2项,获中国职业安全健康协会科学技术一等奖1项;Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing,Composites Science and Technology,Composites Part B,Composites Part A,Composite Structures,Structural Health Monitoring,Thin-Walled Structures,Measurement,Ceramics International,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation,Composites Communications,Additive Manufacturing Letters,Tribology International,Polymer Composites,Polymer Testing等60余本国内外期刊审稿人。


联系方式   E-mail: zhouweihy@126.com, zhouwei@hbu.edu.cn


[1]“长跨距拉索高空无人检测关键技术研究-碳纤维复合材料拉索损伤的电磁层析成像检测技术”,国家重点研发计划重大自然灾害防控与公共安全专项子课题:2022YFC3005103,2022.11 -2025.10

[2]“碳纤维三维编织复合材料损伤变形场及渐进破坏实验研究”,国家自然科学基金:11502064,2016.01 -2018.12

[3]“基于声光互补多源特征编织复合材料变形及损伤机理研究”,河北省自然科学基金:E2016201019,2016.01 -2018.12

[4]“复合材料分层损伤演化变形场测量及声发射动态监测技术研究”,河北省教育厅重点项目:ZD2016097,2016.01 -2018.12

[5]“风电叶片界面缺陷演化的力学行为及声发射响应特性研究”,河北省自然科学基金:E2012201084,2012.01 -2014.12

[6]“风电叶片用玻璃钢复合材料损伤破坏声发射特征研究”,河北省自然科学基金:E2010000297,2010.01 -2012.12


[1] Xia-ying Ren, Jie Wang, Yu-jiao Liang, Lian-hua Ma, Wei Zhou*. Acoustic emission detection of filament wound CFRP composite structure damage based on Mel spectrogram and deep learning. Thin-Walled Structures, 2024, 198: 111683

[2] Yi-fan Su, Su-jia Zhang, Ming-ming Su, Lian-hua Ma, Wei Zhou*. Failure behavior and crashworthiness characteristic of repaired composites-metal hybrid tubes by acoustic emission. Polymer Composites, 2024, 45(2):1632–1648

[3] Jie Wang, Wei Zhou*, Xia-ying Ren, Ming-ming Su*, Jia Liu*. A waveform-based clustering and machine learning method for damage mode identification in CFRP laminates. Composite Structures, 2023, 312: 116875

[4] Yi-fan Su, Xiao-guang Li*, Jie Wang, Peng-fei Zhang, Ming-ming Su*, Wei Zhou*. Transverse indentation response and residual axial compressive characteristics of metal-composites hybrid tubes by deep learning-based acoustic emission and micro-CT. Thin-Walled Structures, 2023, 185: 110651

[5] Shuai Qiao, Man Huang, Yu-jiao Liang, Shuan-zhu Zhang, Wei Zhou*. Damage mode identification in carbon/epoxy composite via machine learning and acoustic emission. Polymer Composites, 2023, 44(4): 2427–2440

[6] Xiao-long Ji, Wei Zhou*, Heng Sun, Jia Liu*, Lian-hua Ma*. Damage evolution behavior of bi-adhesive repaired composites under bending load by acoustic emission and micro-CT. Composite Structures, 2022, 279: 114742

[7] Wei Zhou*, Jie Wang, Zhi-bo Pan, Jia Liu*, Lian-hua Ma*, Jia-yi Zhou, Yi-fan Su. Review on optimization design, failure analysis and non-destructive testing of composite hydrogen storage vessel. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 47: 38862-38883

[8] Zhi-bo Pan, Wei Zhou*, Kun Zhang, Lian-hua Ma*, Jia Liu*. Flexural damage and failure behavior of 3D printed continuous fiber composites by complementary nondestructive testing technology. Polymer Composites, 2022, 43(5): 2864-2877

[9] Wei Zhou*, Xiao-long Ji, Sa Yang, Jia Liu*, Lian-hua Ma*. Review on the performance improvements and non-destructive testing of patches repaired composites. Composite Structures, 2021, 263: 113659

[10] Wei Zhou*, Reng Qin, Kang-ning Han, Zhi-yuan Wei, Lian-Hua Ma*. Progressive damage visualization and tensile failure analysis of three-dimensional braided composites by acoustic emission and micro-CT. Polymer Testing, 2021, 93: 106881

[11] Wen-zheng Zhao, Wei Zhou*. Cluster analysis of acoustic emission signals and tensile properties of carbon/glass fiber–reinforced hybrid composites. Structural Health Monitoring, 2019, 18(5-6): 1686–1697

[12] Peng-fei Zhang, Wei Zhou*, Han-fei Yin, Ya-jing Shang. Progressive damage analysis of three-dimensional braided composites under flexural load by micro-CT and acoustic emission. Composite Structures, 2019, 226: 111196

[13] Wei Zhou*, Wen-zheng Zhao, Yan-nan Zhang, Zhen-jun Ding. Cluster analysis of acoustic emission signals and deformation measurement for delaminated glass fiber epoxy composites. Composite Structures, 2018, 195: 349–358


[1] GB/T 36668.5-2020 游乐设施状态监测与故障诊断 第5部分:应力检测监测方法

[2] GB/T 39079-2020大型游乐设施检验检测 加速度测试

[3] GB/T 39043-2020 游乐设施风险评价 危险源

[4] GB/T 34370.8-2020 游乐设施无损检测 第8部分:声发射检测

[5] GB/T 41121-2021 玻璃水滑道安全技术要求

[6] GB/T 42870-2023 无损检测 纤维增强聚合物的声发射检测方法和评价准则

[7] T/CMES 37003-2022 景区玻璃类观景设施安全规范

[8] T/CSTM 00952-2023 景区玻璃类游乐和观景设施用玻璃承载性能测试方法

版权所有:河北大学质量技术监督学院   电 话:0312-5079616   E-mail:zhijian_hbu@126.com   传 真:0312-5079616
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